Important contact Information
Emergency Phone Numbers
Here are the main numbers to have on hand in case of emergency:
EMERGENCY (ambulance, fire, police) |
911 |
Info-Santé | 811, option 1 |
Info-social | 811, option 2 |
Centrer antipoison du Quebec | 1 800 463-5060 |
Ligne d'intervention en prévention du Suicide | 1 866 277-3553 |
L'Accueil Amos (Emergency Housing) |
819 727-1984 |
Maison Mikana (women victims of domestic violence and their children) |
819 732-9161 |
Amos Hospital (Centre de santé et de services sociaux de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue) |
819 732-3341 |