Where are we?

Map of the city of Amos

Map of the MRC d'Abitibi


Road distances

Distance of municipalities from Amos
Barraute 51 km
Berry 25 km
Champneuf 53 km
La Corne 31 km
La Morandière 46 km
La Motte 34 km
Landrienne 15 km
Launay 36 km
Pikogan 3 km
Preissac 37 km
Rochebaucourt 63 km
St-Marc-de-Figuery 16 km
St-Dominique-du-Rosaire 25 km
St-Félix-de-Dalquier 11 km
St-Mathieu-d'Harricana 13 km
Ste-Gertrude-Manneville 21 km
TNO Lac Chicobi 92 km
TNO Lac-Despinassy 75 km
Trécesson 22km
Finding your way around the region and the province from Amos
 Abitibi-Temiscamingue Region
La Sarre 97 km
Rouyn-Noranda 106 km
Val-d'Or 70 km
Ville-Marie 241 km
Province of Quebec
Chibougamau 390 km
Gatineau 529 km
Matagami 185 km
Montréal 593 km
Québec 829 km
Radisson 801 km

Friendly advice

Computers with internet access are available for you free of charge (16 to 35 years old) at MRAR and at a lower cost at the Amos library.

Tour of the Municipalities


Town Hall 182
1ère Rue Est
Amos Qc
J9T 2G1
Tel.: 819 732-3254

Amos is an urban living environment where nature fits in naturally.

  • Pure water directly from nature.
  • A prosperous city in constant development.
  • An invaluable quality of life.


Municipal Office
481 8e Avenue
Barraute QC
J0Y 1A0
Tel.: 819-734-6574

In Barraute, you will find an incomparable quality of life and a multitude of services in a calm and secure environment.

  • The Mont-Vidéo, a four-season recreation and tourism center.
  • An interesting geographical location in the center of Amos, Val d'Or and Senneterre.
  • Quality pre-school, primary and secondary education.


Municipal Office
274 Rd 399
Berry QC
J0Y 2G0
Tel.: 819-732-1815

Berry is a great place to live!

  • Proud and welcoming people.
  • Peacefulness and wide-open spaces. 
  • Many lakes surrounded by forest.


Municipal Office 12
6e Avenue Nord
Champneuf QC
J0Y 1E0
Tel.: 819-754-2053

Champneuf, where youth meets experience...

  • Takes part in a grouping of municipalities that form the Coteaux planning unit.
  • Le Lac à Charles, 20 km from the village.
  • A snack bar nearby: Le Casse-Croute MaTelle.

La Corne

Municipal Office
351 Rd 111
La Corne QC
J0Y 1R0
Tel.: 819-799-3571

I trust in La Corne!

  • A dynamic town. 
  • Proud people.
  • An involved population.

La Morandière

Municipal Office
204 Rd 397
La Morandière QC
J0Y 1S0
Tel.: 819-734-6143

La Morandière, it's nature calling

  • Le Gala des musiciens amateurs.
  • Le Lac Castagnier and its rest area.
  • Le Parc des Pionniers; a nurturing forest and 
  • community garden.

La Motte

Municipal office
349 St-Luc Rd
La Motte QC
J0Y 1T0
Tel.: 819-732-2878

La Motte, a place for culture

  • A place for vacationing.
  • A peaceful place.
  • A village that draws creative people.

Tour of the municipalities


Municipal office
158 Principale Est
Landrienne QC
J0Y 1V0
Tel.: 819-732-4357


Landrienne, from generation to generation.

  • Citizens who are active, involved and committed to the realization of collective projects.
  • All elementary grades in one location, with more physical education and English.
  • Activities organized by volunteers and citizen committees throughout the year.


Municipal Office
843 des Pionniers
Launay QC
J0Y 1W0
Tel.: 819-796-2545

Launay, to enjoy a peaceful environment and quality services.

  • A remarkable support between citizens.
  • A very open-minded population. 
  • Welcoming people.


Conseil de la première Nation Abitibiwinni
45 Migwan St
Pikogan QC
J9T 3A3
Tel.: 819-732-6591

Pikogan, a welcoming community that is proud to promote and protect its cultural and artisanal heritage.

  • Values of sharing, authenticity, and wisdom.
  • The pow wow: an annual event that is not to be missed.
  • An active, proud, and mobilized population


Municipal Office
6 des Rapides
Preissac QC
J0Y 2A0
Tel.: 819-732-4938

In Preissac, things are moving!

  • The observation tower offers an outstanding panoramic view.
  • The footbridge above the rapids, accessible to all, allows for an enchanting walk.
  • The rock trail and the mountain bike trail.


Municipal Office
20 Chanoine Girard
Rochebaucourt QC
J0Y 2J0
Tel.: 819-754-2083

Rochebaucourt, where heritage structures meet nature.

  • The Sentier des Rapides.
  • A permanent indoor stage featuring professional artists.
  • A covered arena.


Municipal Office
162 des Prés Rd, P.O. 12
Saint-Marc-de-Figuery QC
J0Y 1J0
Tel.: 819-732-8501

In Saint-Marc-de-Figuery, welcoming you is in our nature!

  • A living environment with local services, social, cultural, community and sports activities.
  • A living environment with harmonized landscapes ranging from the farm to the resort.
  • A pleasant, welcoming, and peaceful living environment.


Municipal Office
235 Principale
St Saint-Dominique-du-Rosaire QC
J0Y 2K0
Tel.: 819-727-9544

St-Dominique-du-Rosaire, ideal for lovers of space and nature.

  • The Collines Béarn trail and observation site has a walking path that leads you to an observation tower with a wonderful panorama.
  • The Benoit Rousseau sports complex, which is ideal for free skating and field hockey, also houses the youth center.
  • A library that is part of the Biblio network.

Tour of the municipalities


Municipal Office
41 de l’Aqueduc St
Saint-Félix-de-Dalquier QC J0Y 1G0
Tel.: 819-727-1732

In St-Félix-de-Dalquier, we believe in family values.

  • A community where recreation is very important 
  • Infrastructures that succeed in satisfying both young and older people alike
  • An agricultural territory with cultivated land


Municipal Office
2 de l’École St
Sainte-Gertrude- Manneville
QC J0Y 2L0
Tel.: 819-727-2244

Ste-Gertrude-Manneville, where agriculture rhymes with nature!

  • A municipality with two sports and recreation committees, both of which focus on sports and outdoor activities
  • Camp Carcajou, a camp in the middle of the forest, open to all to enjoy what the boreal nature has to offer all year long
  • A young, dynamic, and committed municipality that is in full development!

St-Mathieu d'Harricana

Municipal Office
203 Lanoix Rd
QC J0Y 1M0
Tel.: 819-727-9557

St-Mathieu-d'Harricana, a dynamic and bold population who appreciates this living and vacationing environment

  • The presence of the St-Mathieu-Berry esker and the watershed
  • Family activities and outdoor infrastructures
  • The beauty of the landscape; a diversified fauna and flora

TNO Lac-Chicobi

Comité de Citoyens
1255A Ranges 4 and 5 Rd
Guyenne QC
J0Y 1L0
Tel.: 819-732-9128

Guyenne, at the heart of the people who live and work there!

  • The largest nursery in Quebec
  • The pride of belonging
  • The solidarity

TNO Lac-Despinassy

Abitibi RCM 
571 1ère Rue Est
Amos Qc
J9T 2H3
Tel.: 819 732-5356

In Despinassy, solitary and nature lovers will be seduced by this vast territory, which is very sparsely inhabited.

  • Solitude, peace, serenity
  • An omnipresent nature
  • The vastness of the territory


Municipal office
314 Sauvé St, P.O. 9
Trécesson Qc
J0Y 2S0
Tel.: 819 732-8524

In Trecesson, we care about family.

  • Our green spaces, such as the Auger-Legault Park, the municipal rest area and the arboretum
  • Many lakes, five of which are inhabited
  • A watershed delineates the St. Lawrence River and Hudson Bay watersheds

If you have any questions regarding the operation of your municipality, please refer to your local contact information. Whether it's for road maintenance, for activity programming, for a water break, etc., someone will answer you or refer you to the right person.